
מכשיר SLT מרגיעון תדרים וצלילים-הדרך הטבעית להפגת כאבים ומתחים

מחיר רגיל: המחיר המקורי היה: ₪2,600.המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪2,180.

מרגיעון תדרים וצלילים- DAVID
הדרך הטבעית להירגע ללא תרופות וללא תופעות לוואי.
מרגיעון תדרים וצלילים, הוא מכשיר אלקטרוני מתוחכם, קטן ונייד, הכולל גם אוזניות ומשקפיים מיוחדים. המכשיר, הפועל גם על סוללות, מתוכנת להפיק אורות וצלילים בתדרים הפועלים על 5 קבוצות גלי המוח העיקריות: גלי דלתא, תטה, אלפא, בטה וגמא.

המלאי אזל


מחפשים דרך קלה ויעילה להירגע?

הילד סובל מבעיות קשב וריכוז?

מרגישים עייפים וחסרי אנרגיה?

מתקשים להירדם בלילה?

חשים לפעמים דכדוך או ירידה בשמחת החיים?

david, מרגיעון תדרים וצלילים, הוא מכשיר אלקטרוני מתוחכם, קטן ונייד, הכולל גם אוזניות ומשקפיים מיוחדים. המכשיר, הפועל גם על סוללות, מתוכנת להפיק אורות וצלילים בתדרים הפועלים על 5 קבוצות גלי המוח העיקריות: גלי דלתא, תטה, אלפא, בטה וגמא.

מחקרים קליניים רבים מוכיחים כי חשיפה לאורות וצלילים בתדרים מסוימים יעילה לשיפור הזיכרון וההתמצאות במרחב, מורידה את רמת המתח, מונעת מצבי רוח דיכאוניים, נדודי שינה וחרדה ומסייעת ביכולת הקשב והריכוז. כל תדר משפיע על אזור אחר במוח ובהתאם לכך הגוף מגיב: גלי דלתא נצפים בעת שינה עמוקה, גלי תטה מופיעים במהלך ההירדמות או ההתעוררות ובשלבים המוקדמים של השינה, גלי אלפא פועלים במצב של ערנות ורגיעה, גלי בטא קשורים לרמות גבוהות של מתח, קשב, ריכוז או חשיבה עמוקה וגלי גמא קשורים לרמה גבוהה של חשיבה. פתרון בעיות ומודעות. להלן 5 תוכניות הפעלה למרגיעון תדרים וצללים מדיטציה – להפחתת לחצים נפשיים ולמצב רוח רגוע. לשיפור הריכוז והזיכרון – לפעילות הדורשת ריכוז והתמקדות. מומלץ במיוחד לבעלי הפרעות קשב וריכוז ADD/ADHD , לשיפור איכות השינה – לנטרול המתח הנצבר במהלך היום, הפחתת לחצים ות והובלה נינוחה למצב של רגיעה עד להירדמות. לשיפור מצב הרוח – לסילוק מחשבות שליליות וטעינת מחשבות ורגשות חיוביים. להמרצה ואנרגיה – מומלץ להתחיל בבוקר כממריץ טבעי לאנרגיה ללא קפאין. על פי התוכנית שאתם בוחרים, מפיק המכשיר שילוב מדויק של אורות וצלילים בתדרים לקבלת האפקט הרצוי. תדרים אלו משפיע ישירות על המוח שלכם ובהתאם לכך הוא משדר לגוף את התחושות שרציתם לחוות. כל מה שנותר לכם לעשות הוא להרכיב את המשקפיים והאוזניות, לבחור את התוכנית הרצויה, להתרווח להנאתכם על הכורסה או המיטה, לעצום את העיניים למשך 30-40 דקות וליהנות מההשפעה החיובית שהמכשיר מעניק לאיכות חייכם, ללא תרופות, ללא מאמץ וללא כל תופעות לוואי. מומלץ ביותר!

מכשיר SLT  להרגעה והפחתת כאבים
ללא תרופות וללא תופעות לוואי
בעזרת אורות וצלילים

מכשיר SLT מטפל בהפחתת מתח,  נדודי שינה, מצבי רוח דיכאוניים , חוסר ריכוז  ואיזון נפשיים, נפילות בקרב קשישים, דאגות וחרדות  ואיבוד זיכרון  באמצעות טכנולוגיה או קולית ללא תרופות וכימיקלים וללא תופעות לוואי.

השימוש במכשיר SLT ידידותית ופשוטה לתפעול עם מערכת תכניות אשר נבדקו ביסודיות באמצעות מחקרים העדכניים ביותר על מנת להבטיח לך את התוצאות הטובות ביותר.

ערכת המכשיר SLT אור קולי  מכילה:
• תיק נשיאה גדול
• משקפיים עם לידים מובנים
• נרתיק למשקפיים
• אוזניות סטריאופוניות
• מתאם  3.5 מ"מ לסטריאו
• שנאי להפעלה בחשמל
• סוללה נטענת 9 וולט
• הוראות שימוש מפורטות
• מדריך להתחלה מהירה

מכשיר SLT  מהווה פריצת דרך פריצת דרך טכנולוגית הפחיתים ומרגיעים כאבים ומסייעת להירדם ולישון שינה עמוקה בריאה ואיכותית  בעזרת אורות וצלילים הממריצים פעילות אנרגטית  במוח  ללא תרופות וללא תופעות לוואי.
כאבים מפחיתים את האנרגיות של האדם גורמים ללחצים ומתחים ומשבשים את יעילות התפקודית של המוח לייצר את הורמון הסרוטונין.
כאבים פוגעים בתפקוד המוח וגורמים לאי נוחות, חרדה ופוגמים באיכות השינה.
מטרת הכאב באזור ספציפי בגוף  להתריע על בעיה שמתעוררת או שכבר קיימת.
כשתכיפות הכאב הולכת וגוברת, אי הנוחות מתגברת.
מכשיר SLT מפחית כאבים ואי נוחות באמצעות:
• הגברת ייצור של סרוטונין ואנדורפינים. האנדורפינים מסייעים לחסום את תחושת הכאב והסרוטונין מגביר הרפיה, אנרגיה ותחושת ההתמצאות במרחב.
נוראדרנלין Noradrenaline –   –  קרוי גם נוראפינפרין    –,- Norepinephrine- NE   –  הוא מוליך עצבי מעורר ממחלקת המונואמינים ומשתייך למשפחת הקטכולאמינים, הפועל גם כהורמון אשר מיוצר בעיקר בתאי עצב בגזע המוח ומופרש בכמה מקומות בגוף ובעיקר מתאי עצב במוח, מליבת יותרת הכליה, מהעצבים הסימפתטיים של מערכת העצבים האוטונומית ועוד. 
• מכשיר SLT  באמצעות הפקת אורות וצלילים מעוררים מדיטציה ורגיעה  בשילוב המרצת והאצת  ייצור סרוטונין ואנדורפינים מרגיעים את הכאבים, מפחיתים המתחים ומעניקים שלווה ורגיעה.
התוכניות במכשיר SLT  כוללים חמש קטגוריות נפרדות של הפעלות:
אנרגיה , מדיטציה, שיפור תפקוד המוח, שינה שיפור מצב הרוח, עם שתי בחירות עבור כל קטגוריה.
התכניות של  מכשיר SLT מגובים באמצעות ממצאי מחקר העדכניים ביותר על מנת להבטיח לך את התוצאות הטובות ביותר המעוררים מדיטציה ורגיעה  בשילוב המרצת והאצת  ייצור סרוטונין ואנדורפינים מרגיעים את הכאבים, מפחיתים המתחים ומעניקים שלווה, בידור, הנאה ורגיעה.
מתגי ההפעלה של מכשירי SLT מוארים וגדולים, קלים וידידותיים לתפעול כפתורים מאפשרת למשתמשים לבחור ולהחליף תכניות במהירות ובקלות גם בחשכה ופועלים באמצעים טכנולוגיים פורצי דרך.

טכנולוגיית אורות וצלילים מסייעים לשיפור הזיכרון, איכות השינה, מצב הרוח, הפחתת מתח, לחצים  ושיפור איכות החיים שלך ללא תרופות וטיפולים פולשניים.

בעזרת מכשיר SLT   בגודל כף יד, אוזניות סטראופוניות איכותיות ומשקפי לידים המפיקים אורות וצלילים בטכנולוגיה מדהימה בתצורות ייעודיות  מסייעים לשיפור הזיכרון, איכות השינה, מצב הרוח, הפחתת מתח, לחצים  ושיפור איכות החיים שלך ללא תרופות וטיפולים פולשניים.

מכשיר SLT  מתוכנת להפעלת תכניות לשיפור רמת האנרגיה, מדיטציה, שיפור ביצועי המוח, השינה ומצב הרוח.

התוכניות של מכשיר SLT  נבדקו ביסודיות במחקרים עדכניים העדכני ביותר על מנת להבטיח לך את התוצאות הטובות ביותר.

התוכניות של מכשיר SLT  נתמכים על ידי מחקרים ומאמרים המופיעים באתר האינטרנט SLT.CO.il   באנגלית.

במכשיר SLT   יש אפשרות להפיק הפקת קולות וצלילים אקראיים להנאתך.

מכשיר SLT קל לתפעול הפעלת התכניות ידידותיות למשמשים. המתגים מוארים כדי לאפשר למשתמש לראות אותם בחושך.


DAVID Delight

The DAVID Delight provides a unique fusion of audio-visual entrainment (also known as brainwave entrainment) sophistication and simplicity.

Our sessions have been thoroughly tested and are designed based on most current research findings to ensure you the most effective results.

The sessions on the Delight are supported by research studies which include Seasonal Affective Disorder, stress reduction,

insomnia, improved mood,

mental sharpness and balance (reduced risk of falling)

in seniors, and reduced worry plus improvements in concentration and memory in college students.

The Delight sessions also include our proprietary randomization process, which helps encourage

dissociation and brain frequency tracking to the stimulus.

The Delight features larger easy-to-read, easy-to-operate buttons which allows users to select a session easily.

It features five distinct categories of sessions: Energize, Meditate, Brain Brightener, Sleep and Mood Booster.

There are two selections for each category.

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Each DAVID Delight comes complete with:

Large Carry Bag

White Tru-Vu Omniscreen Eyeset

Eyeset Carry Case

Stereo Headphones

3.5 mm Stereo Patch Cord

AC Adapter

9 Volt Alkaline Battery

Operators Manual

Quickstart Guide

Now there is a pharmaceutical-free way to reduce aches, pain and discomfort.

Testimonial: I got an intereochanteric fracture while playing on a slackline on Saturday afternoon. They gave me pain medications at 4 in the afternoon AFTER an excruciating transfer to the x-ray table and series of x-rays. From that point until and beyond today I have managed all my pain with sub-delta AVE and CES. I did not get surgery until Sunday morning so it should have been a very painful night. No joke, this technology is better than morphine. Just the CES alone was enough to put me to sleep within 15-20 and I would sleep for an 1.5 – 2 hours before waking up and repeating. Nurses stopped asking me if I wanted pain meds.

~ Sargent Goodchild


The DAVID Delight is a portable hand-held device which utilizes a cutting edge, non-invasive, drug-free approach to reducing discomfort.



This breakthrough technology is called Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE). The Delight has audio-visual brainwave stimulation to help you reduce discomfort levels, get a better sleep, increase energy levels and even combat the "blues".

Pain is a debilitating condition that impairs brain function. With pain, the brain gets stressed and shuts down serotonin production. So along with the discomfort, the inflicted also suffers from anxiety and cannot sleep. Through neuroplasticity, the brain increases its focus on the achy areas to alert the person of a problem. With increasing focus, the perceived discomfort gradually increases and may become several times more intense than the real discomfort would be.

AVE reduces aches, pain and discomfort through:

· Generation of serotonin and endorphins. Endorphins help block the perception of pain, while serotonin increases relaxation and sense of wellbeing. Norepinephrine also increases modestly, which increases the energy and clear-headedness of the person.

· Dissociation/meditation – While the serotonin and endorphins are doing their thing, the dissociation helps the brain to release pain circuits as the brain is in a meditative and pain-free state of mind during this time. Also, pain gates in the anterior cingulate gyrus are tuned down during dissociation/meditation.

The Delight features five distinct categories of sessions: Energize, Meditate, Brain Booster, Sleep and Feeling Better, with two selections for each category.

Our sessions have been thoroughly tested and are designed based on most current research findings to ensure you the most effective results. The sessions on the Delight are supported by research articles. The Delight sessions also include our proprietary randomization process, which helps encourage dissociation and enhance the entrainment process.

The Delight features larger easy-to-read, easy-to-operate buttons and allows users to select a session very easily. The Delight session category buttons are lit to allow the user to see them in the dark.

Mind Alive Inc. has been designing and manufacturing mind enhancement products for 30 years, and has conducted extensive research in that time, continually revealing new applications for this ground breaking technology.


Testimonial from Brent Hugo

Allentown, PA, US

Apr 22, 2016

I had seen the DAVID Delight Pro device and wanted one for several years to help with sleep issues, but simply could not justify the price…or so I thought. Also a concern was whether it actually worked, was it medically safe and was it simply a psychological “trick” or gimmick. On 6 October 2015, I sustained a fairly severe concussion and subsequent intense headaches, so intense I missed work for weeks and when I finally did return to work, could only stand to do so part-time for over a month.

I had intense headaches, sleep loss, mood swings and memory loss. So though not specifically mentioned in many places for treatment of concussion issues, I decided between my meditation practice, my sleep issues, my aversion to chemicals and my desire to alleviate the pain at almost all costs, I invested the money in the device.

While the device certainly has helped at all levels, specifically, in regards to the concussive symptoms, I found varying my focus on the “images” or patterns presented by the glasses, my symptoms of pain and nausea started to lessen and then disappear within only two uses of the device. Within 4-5 days I was going several hours without pain and could fall asleep within 20 minutes. I have now been using it for 7 months. My eye therapy (I had a vestibular alignment issue from the concussion) progressed much faster than my therapists had anticipated.

It’s also important to note that I am a very physically active person with a very high pain tolerance. Over my lifetime, and mostly in my early to late teens, I have been in the ER more than 15 times for broken bones, burns, severe cuts and dislocations, mostly sports related. I also grew up on a farm and worked in construction most of my twenties and thirties. I say this only to give “credibility” to the fact that I am not one who succumbs to minor injury, annoyances or physical discomfort. The pain that this device alleviated for me would be classified as severe to debilitating for most people.


Testimonial from Lynn Allison Nelson


November 29, 2015

I honestly cannot live without my DAVID Delight Pro. Its CES function alone far surpasses the quality of the American models! But to have a device with so much more! Its a perfect fusion of CES and audio and visual entrainment. I've been able to share this device with others. My husband is a 23 year veteran of the Air Force and works with Veterans coming home from war. This would be so valuable to so many PTSD vets to help ease pain and depression and regain their mental focus. Its helped me with depression and fibromyalgia pain, as well as my ADHD. Thank God I found out about this amazing company!

Testimonial from Mark B.

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Oct 15, 2014

"I am a very pleased new user of a DAVID Delight Pro. I've used AVE and sound based technology for 30+ years – I used Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync cassettes back in the '70s. Your technology is the best I've ever used. Whether I'm using it to relax, meditate, or to energize; relieve a headache or inspire creativity; the DAVID Delight Pro does the job easily and seamlessly. Now it's become a bit of a fight to use the machine. Between my daughter using it to ease her periods and my 82-year-old dad using it to lessen his pain from back strain, this instrument is a popular item around our house!"


Testimonial from Ellen S.


Sep 2014

"My husband is in hospice care —- terrible nights – agitated – no sleep. The usual answer is to give morphine but we used the DAVID.

Totally changed the night experience. Now he is comfortable. No more twitches. Sleeping pretty soundly. I gave the info to the Hospice people.

Well done, Dave Siever. I have very high regard for your work and all of you who have worked to produce this healing instrument."


Testimonial From Sargent Goodchild

Gloucester, MA

August 6, 2014

"I got an intereochanteric fracture while playing on a slackline on Saturday afternoon. They gave me pain medications at 4 in the afternoon AFTER an excruciating transfer to the x-ray table and series of x-rays. From that point until and beyond today I have managed all my pain with sub-delta AVE and CES. I did not get surgery until Sunday morning so it should have been a very painful night. No joke, this technology is better than morphine. Just the CES alone was enough to put me to sleep within 15 – 20 and I would sleep for an 1.5 – 2 hours before waking up and repeating. Nurses stopped asking me if I wanted pain medication when I was doing laps up and down the hallway with my walker by Sunday afternoon."


Testimonial from Michelle B.


July 21, 2014

"The Oasis Pro has been a great addition to my pain control regimen, it seems to 'get at' the deeper pain more effectively than the TENS devices I have used in the past. I would not hesitate to recommend it."


Testimonial from Kate F.


Jun 16, 2014

"From a customer who is using her Mind Alive device in conjunction with a Doctor's supervision.

I made an appointment with Dr. Saunders to receive help with bipolar depression and pain. I have struggled for over 15 years and have tried everything to find relief. Within just a few months of receiving help from Dr. Saunders with TDCS and CES, my condition is in complete remission. I got my life back! I couldn’t be more grateful! I feel confident to be able to use tDCS and CES for health on my own thanks to his help . I feel completed liberated, strong, and empowered."


Testimonial From Mark Koharchick, PhD, LPC

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA

December 1, 2011

"The following is about my experience with the DAVID (first purchased in 2002 and still in use), to the DAVID Delight Pro newly purchased, and few DAVID PAL 36s in the middle. Let me begin by stating my experience in biofeedback began in the mid 1980s using EMG for muscle tension. I learned about EEG and went through the training and, years later, was among the first group to become certified. I saw great benefit in biofeedback for a number of problems. I began using this to treat anxiety, depression, ADD, and most typical complaints presented to clinicians. Treatment went well for most patients. However, my biggest complaint with this treatment was the length of time it took to for a patient to receive some benefit.

Then, by a stroke of luck, another clinician was telling me about AVE and had a DAVID Paradise XL. He specialized in ADHD and would tell me about the changes he noticed in his young patients with the AVE. I tried this “new gadget” and did not think it would amount to much of anything. Well, I was in for the surprise of my life. I felt some things that took me weeks or longer using biofeedback, were quickly resolved with the DAVID. I was hooked and had to have my unit.

I began using DAVID AVE instruments in 2002, and continued with EEG Biofeedback as well. In my practice I noticed a much quicker response time for those with AVE. Patients seemed to enjoy this more than other treatments, and it was user friendly. I had witnessed such a dramatic success rate that I slowly decreased the usage of EEG and went completely with AVE. I found significant improvements in patients, especially those referred for chronic pain. It seemed to me that what I could typically have a patient experience in one AVE session would have taken about three weeks or more of training with biofeedback. But I do need to make one point perfectly clear. I am in no way putting down biofeedback. I am just commenting on my experience with the DAVID AVE units.

For the past seven years, I have been using AVE exclusively. I am employed at a hospital and am part of the pain management team. I have found that, in most cases, using a sub-delta .5-1 frequency has provided the greatest relief of pain for most patients. I have used AVE for treating tension headaches, Migraines, fibromyalgia, PTSD, stroke patients with paralysis (and actually had success in getting some feeling back to the effected areas), and other psychiatric and physical problems. I believe that there may be endless treatment considerations for AVE.

The reason I titled this, “I don’t believe it!” is due to the average comment a patient tells me, first of all when I explain what AVE is and how it will work, and then, after the first session when they feel the reduction in pain or the state of relaxation. I have also noticed, and have been recording, blood pressure readings before and after sessions. I have consistently noticed a reduction in blood pressure on about 85% of patients. Some patients have made incredible gains, enough so they were able to reduce or stop their medications whether it is for hypertension or pain.

The DAVID AVE products have proven to be exceptionally reliable and, if I have ever experienced a problem, I made a phone call, talked to Dave, or any of the friendly staff, and the problem was fixed. I can not express my amazement in the success of this treatment and my gratitude for producing an instrument that is of such high quality.

Dave, I thank you and my patients thank you. "


Testimonial From Michael Landgraf

Editor, AVS Journal, Granada Hills, California USA

December 3, 2010

"Last month I had an outpatient medical procedure which turned out to be very unpleasant. Then two weeks later I pulled a groin muscle and pinched a nerve in my left leg while doing some heavy lifting. Both experiences were painful, not to mention totally aggravating!

I utilized seven sessions in your Delight Pro to help overcome my negative feelings and those painful sensations. Your system exceeded my expectations. This was the first time that I did not need to augment pain medications with AVE equipment for dealing with the extreme discomfort I felt.

Having personally used light and sound equipment for over 25 years, the Delight Pro is the first system that effectively helped me deal with pain issues without the need for prescribed pain medications.

I am totally impressed with the sessions you created for the Delight Pro and I am 100% confident when recommending this system to my clients who are in need of pain relief."


Testimonial From Dave Rivers

Newcastle, NSW, Australia

April 11, 2008

"I purchased a DAVID recently. My mom loves it so much I can't get my hands on it. She has lupus and chronic pain. With the DAVID, her days and nights have improved dramatically. Her cheeks are rosey and she looks so relaxed (a rare sight). So I am ordering her a DAVID, so I can get mine back."

Testimonial From Nina Hearney

Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

November 10, 2005

"I am a 49-year-old woman with an autoimmune disease that is very disabling. For two and a half years doctors have been unable to control the disease or the pain. There have been periods of one to three months that I have been completely bedridden. This causes a terrible strain on me and my family.

My therapist asked me if I would like to try her DAVID to see if it could help at all with easing stress, sleeping, increasing energy, and pain control. I said yes- but I was pretty skeptical that a machine could do all that. I usually stay with "western medicine" practices. I borrowed her DAVID anyway.

I used the DAVID for ten days, twice a day. I immediately noticed a difference in my sleep. I was able to sleep more deeply, so not as long. After a week, I also noticed I wasn’t taking as much pain medicine as usual. Just a little less but even that was a big difference for me. I was pretty shocked by the changes I was seeing and then I had to return the DAVID to my therapist.

About two days after returning the DAVID, I started feeling worse again – more painful, worsening sleep. I decided right then to buy my own and have been fortunate enough to do so. I am getting back into my cycle of using it twice a day. Once again, I have seen immediate results. Thank you, Mind Alive. This has really helped me.."


Testimonial From Donalie Caldwell

Kelowna, B.C., CANADA

November 24, 1999

"I can't thank you enough for developing such a wonderful product. For the last eight months, I have been using the DAVID for my fibromyalgia.

A perker session in the morning gives me enough energy to get through the day. After two years of being unable to work, I am now working at two part-time jobs. Muscle pain has almost become a thing of the past. When it does occur, a quick session on the DAVID soon rectifies that. Due to a sleep disturbance, it was necessary to take supplements for sleeping for over three years. Now with the DAVID I am off all sleep aids and sleeping well. Gradually, I have found my mind is much clearer and alert. My old personality is finally beginning to return. Apart from the health related benefits, I am also thoroughly enjoying using the DAVID to enhance my meditations. I look forward to playing and exploring with the other sessions that are available as well.

It was not a difficult decision when I decided to become a distributor and share this wonderful technology with others."


Testimonial From Lori Haselhorst

Kelowna, B.C., CANADA

September 27, 1999

"My most sincere thank you for the DAVID. Having suffered with back pain from degenerative disc disease since 1964, the DAVID has really changed my world and way of living.

When I first started using the DAVID, I found I was finally able to have a deep sleep and gradually had less pain upon arising. Within three weeks, after being virtually house bound, I was able to go out for up to five hours! Friends who have not see me in a while are absolutely surprised at the change in me. I sleep better, have less pain and am more relaxed. Wonderful! I was even able to change residence. Without the DAVID, it would have been impossible. Trying out the various programs is an adventure and a pleasant experience.

My most sincere thank you again for having given back to me relief and restful nights. I can now look forward with pleasure to celebrating and not just enduring my 70th birthday."


Testimonial From Elzbieta Gorecka

Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

July 20, 1999

"I was asked to write an opinion about my experience with DAVID.

Thank you for the opportunity of being a part of your research study and allowing me to experience medical benefits from using the DAVID. This wonderful brainwave entrainment device made my miserable life easier, more bearable, and increased the quality of my life while using it.

I was an energetic person until 1992 when the onset of my severe health problems (including back injury, depression, fatigue, insomnia and then as a secondary debilitating Fibromyalgia/Myofascial Pain Syndrome complex, and Hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto's thyroiditis) caused me to came to sloth-like states such as moving slowly and painfully. Every single task in my daily life became robotic. I experienced musculoskeletal pains all over my body. I also experienced paresthesias, edema, tenderness, pulling in my muscles, constant pain in the neck, the head, shoulders, arms, my entire back, chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks, limbs, knees, elbows, feet, joints, ligaments. With the above came the non-restorative, unrefreshing, light, fragmented sleep patterns and also body stiffness, fatigue, headaches, anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bladder syndrome, poor short-term memory, poor concentration, irritability, sensitivity to loud sounds, bright lights, decreased hearing, sensitivity to drugs, environmental sensitivities, blurred vision, dry eyes, dry mouth, problem with balance, problem with judging distances, mixing up words while talking and/or writing, dysmobility, incoordination, chills, dizziness, flu like symptoms, sore throat, heat/cold intolerance, loss of appetite, mood swings, night sweats, hypersensitive skin, pain while breathing and breathing difficulty. My symptoms get worse with repetitive activity, physical over-activity or under-activity and also with physical and mental stress, anxiety, cold, heat, high humidity, weather change, hormones and more.

Just reading the above symptoms can make one depressed but in my case I experience all of them. The symptoms are severe enough to impair my normal functioning on a daily basis in every possible way including the trauma of not being able to work, and not being able to do things like before.

What did the DAVID do for me? I have been trying almost everything that present medicine can offer for my health problems resulting in a little improvement (most of those things help me just to survive from one day to another). My symptoms improve with multi-disciplinary program including: heat, gentle exercises, dry weather change, relaxation, light massage, magnetic therapy, ultra-term, electro-stimulation, acupuncture, supplements, herbs, medication but nothing was as effective as DAVID which gave me hope for more than just survival from day to day. From the very first day of using this device (continued using for about 5 months), my sleep patterns have been improved, I slept deeper and the frequency of my wake ups decreased. I experienced less pain, less stiffness, less muscle tenderness, decreased some of sensitivities and increased physical and mental energy. I, and those around me, became more happy. It was like a new possibility to try and push myself to do more for my health and to be a part of my family of five.

Presently, four weeks after the return of DAVID my sleep patterns returned to my previous ones. Again I wake up not refreshed. I experience intensive, deep, dull, aching, exhausting, nagging, unbearable pain most of the time. I also experience more: stiffness, fatigue, sensitivity, irritability, poor concentration, anxiety, depression and feelings of being worthless.

I found DAVID to be crucial for the quality of my sleep, my only alternative, especially that the doctors believe that there is no cure for Fibromyalgia."


Testimonial from Anghared Finch

Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

May 14, 1999

"I suffer from extreme fatigue and pain due to Fibromyalgia. After using the DAVID Paradise Jr. for four weeks I began to experience six 'good' hours a day where I felt 75% normal or pre-fibromyalgia. Having experienced very little remission over the course of the two years with FMS – I am very excited. I experienced quite a significant decrease in pain and fatigue that I thought to myself 'I feel almost normal!' My hope is that six hours will turn into eight, then ten, then twelve and I will be back to functioning as I want to be.

Often when I returned home from a medical appointment or errand I would be in so much pain and too fatigued to attempt anything. I would do a half hour program on the DAVID and feel 'I can stretch now and maybe prepare dinner.' Additionally I would experience endorphin rushes instead of pain while stretching and doing yoga. This made exercise a great deal more enjoyable!

I have meditated for 20 years, practiced yoga for two years, Q Gong for three years and I was immediately aware that within two minutes I was brought to a deep meditative state with the DAVID. I have noticed that if I am able to meditate two hours I have a great decrease in FMS symptoms but I am often only able to obtain this state once every one or two weeks as my mind won't settle down. With the DAVID this state became more obtainable on a daily basis. I discussed the changes I experienced with my doctor and we both feel there is a certain correlation with my improvement and the DAVID."


Testimonial From Paul Rykes

Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

May 3, 1999

"During the period of about mid-October, 1998 to March of 1999, I used a DAVID for the purpose of improving my ability to experience a continuous sleep at night. Previous to my using a DAVID, it was impossible for me not to awake at least five to ten times each night.

When I was first given the use of a DAVID, I must admit to being very skeptical of its claimed effectiveness. I was at first reluctant to attempt to use the device, thinking it to be yet another trendy electronic gimmick. High in flash and low in benefit other than perhaps a placebo effect. I initially resisted using the device, but late one evening, about a week after having received it, I lay down on the couch and turned it on. I watched the display of lights for about ten minutes then I became impatient, turned it off and went to bed. That evening I woke up only twice. This improvement provided the incentive to continue to use the device for several subsequent evenings, just before going to bed. As the duration of the continuous sleep increased and the incidence of waking up decreased, I soon found myself using the device every night.

With the assistance of the DAVID, I noticed a marked improvement in my ability to sustain sleep throughout the night. I would encourage anyone experiencing difficulties sustaining sleep to use a DAVID."


Testimonial from Vivian Martin

St. Albert, Alberta, CANADA

April 27, 1999

"The following are some of the benefits that I have experienced while using the DAVID during the research/study program:

Total elimination of morning and evening stiffness

Deeper and more relaxing sleep

More relaxed and energetic in the mornings

Less pain due to better sleep

Energy pattern more stable

I personally believe that the DAVID machine helps significantly in controlling some of the symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia. I certainly would recommend the machine to anyone with Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome."


Testimonial from Natalia Dobrolige

Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

March 3, 1998

"I have had Fibromyalgia Syndrome for about five years. One of the worst problems associated with this condition is disordered sleep patterns, which can manifest as inability to fall asleep, light sleep which is unrefreshing and easily interrupted, inability to sleep long enough, or to reach deep sleep stages necessary for regeneration and healing, and/or other sleep disturbances. I have found the DAVID to be extremely effective for all these symptoms. Using it, I am able to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep longer. I have also found various programs on my DAVID helpful to use with healing and meditation visualizations, as well as for waking relaxation and energy-boosting, all of which help greatly with pain control and reduction of physical and emotional tension. I am very happy with my DAVID."


Testimonial from Norm Monette

Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

February 20, 1998

"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia three years ago and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome this year. My main complaints are fatigue, pain and uncontrollable shaking.

I have been using the DAVID for three months. Using the DAVID unit had decreased the intensity and duration of my pain. Although I still get headaches, I don't get migraines, and my headaches do not last as long as they used to.

I used to disappear for three months at a time because of pain, fatigue and self-consciousness. I used to hide because of my discomfort, but using the DAVID has decreased my discomfort and I don't suffer for as long as I used to. Part of that was what felt like anxiety attacks. I'd become overwhelmed, and that could last for hours or days. While in this state, my pain and fatigue could come back in a day or a month and would range in severity.

Since using the DAVID, I have not had a severe anxiety attack, and the frequency of these attacks is less. My sleep has improved and I'm less tired. Because of fatigue it was hard to control my emotions. Since using the DAVID device I have far more control.

Using the DAVID has also increased my energy level. I used to sleep eighteen hours a day and still feel tired. Now I sleep less and have more energy. Family members who have problems sleeping have also found the DAVID to be effective.

The first day I used the unit I went from barely being able to walk to being able to go to school the next day. The day after that I was able to work out. I stopped using the unit for four or five days to see if it was actually the unit that was working or if my expectations were producing the results I wanted. Within a couple of days I was feeling tired and sluggish again. I went back on the unit and have not come back off. Nor do I plan to."


Testimonial from Shirley Smith

Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

February 12, 1998

"Since 1982, I have been suffering from pain in one ear, which has been getting worse every year.

Some of the solutions that I tried were a mouth splint, physiotherapy, chiropractor, acupuncture, steroids injected into my mouth, and prescription drugs. The only thing that helped was anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-seizure drugs. I became allergic to the anti-seizure drugs and had to discontinue them.

In the last couple of years, I have had to resort to more pain medication and the only solution that was suggested, was to sever a nerve going to the ear.

I started using the DAVID in November and since then I’ve had a substantial decrease in pain. I have virtually stopped using prescription pain medication for the ear pain and I am no longer kept awake at night with ear pain.

I was made aware of this device though the medium of television and I’m grateful for the help that it has been to me."


Testimonial from Greg Mynzak

Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

February 6, 1998

"I first found out about the DAVID on television last fall. At the time, I had just been through three major abdominal surgeries. Due to the nature of the complications, I had not slept a decent night’s sleep in several months, specifically as the result of the chronic pain I was in. When I received my machine, I could not believe the immediate results.

Thinking that I was fooling myself, I anxiously used the DAVID on a regular basis every day. I even took it to work and used it during my lunch hour. This enabled me to function well enough at work that I eliminated the use of the prescribed painkillers I was taking. This eliminated the terrible side effects that were happening to me. After the second day of using the device, I knew that the great benefit to me was well worth its cost.

Several times I have even fallen asleep while using the DAVID before bedtime and woken up the next morning to the alarm clock with both the headphones and eye-set still on. I believe that the unit’s programs eliminated my pain before bed and enabled me to sleep very soundly and painlessly.

I have all the confidence in the world when it comes to promoting this unit and its effects to anyone who has to live and function normally with chronic pain."


Testimonial From Martha Haley

Calgary, Alberta, CANADA

October 15, 1997

"I purchased a DAVID machine in September 1997 and after reading the material and experimenting a bit settled on some programs that seemed to provide the most benefit. Since you told me that I had an over abundance of beta waves, I avoided any programs which contained these. I initially used the Clean out the Closet and the Meditate to Sleep programs. Even while using the machine for the first time, I could feel the tension around my sternum easing up a bit. After using those two programs, the former in the afternoon, and the latter at bedtime, for three days I noticed after I got out of bed on the fourth day that my shoulder and neck which had such a deep ache to them for such a very long time were instead feeling a fuzzy tingling, and that the pain was gone! Only then could I more accurately determine the constant level of pain which I had been subjected to as closer to a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10, rather than the 3 which I think I put on your questionnaire. After a few more days my energy level gradually increased, although my stamina was and is still poor. My tension headaches, which could be very severe, have become much less frequent, and when they do occur I can use the DAVID to eliminate them. I have also halved my dosage of Zoloft to 100 mg per day.

I am not the only one that has noticed a difference. My husband, who used to disturb my troubled sleep with his snoring is being paid back big time. I am apparently snoring the roof of the house now when I use the machine to go to sleep. My massage therapist has also noticed a marked difference. Where my muscles used to almost jump at her with the slightest touch, and were very slow to respond, they are now much more pliable so the massages have become more beneficial.

Although I am by no means well, my quality of life has improved to the point that I was able to drive to Pennsylvania in late September to visit my sister, and attend a horse show for five days with my DAVID machine in tow. The horse show, with all the walking, long hours and my assistance to a friend with her horses proved to be too much, so I had to cut short my stay and miss the final weekend. I was forced to take two days to recuperate in bed in a hotel in New Jersey before returning home. I have no doubt that without the DAVID machine my body spasms would have become much worse, longer lasting and more painful. Since returning home it has taken me about two and a half weeks to get to the point where I am not overcome with fatigue. I am still having some spasm problems.

My husband, Jalal Hosein, MD., and I wholly endorse the DAVID machine for the positive difference it has made in our lives."


Testimonial from Pat Mitchell

Beaumont, Alberta, CANADA

October 2, 1995

"I am writing to thank you for the many benefits my daughter and I have experienced from using the DAVID. You will recall that Joyanna and I came to see you initially because of her attention deficit disorder. While we were in the office, I discovered that the DAVID can be used for a variety of purposes. I decided to try it to deal with my sleep disorder and chronic pain. We have both had positive results using your invention.

Joyanna was having difficulty completing tasks at home and at school. Her frustration, her teachers' and ours were creating many problems related to the basic ADD. Once she began to use the machine we were not only able to deal with the ADD, but with the resultant problems as well. Consequently, we were able to have the most pleasant family summer vacation that we have had in

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